Release Notes
A technical description of new features in Landis Attendant Console for Microsoft Teams. You can connect with us right now by clicking Talk to Sales.
January 2025
Features & Enhancements
Landis Attendant Console Bot application added to Teams app store.
Hold Time Alerts
Configurable warning and critical time.
Audible alert when critical time is reached.
Failed Transfer Alerts
Configurable warning and critical time.
Audible alert when critical time is reached. Visual alerts must be enabled to play the audio alert.
AI Prompts
Users can create AI Prompts in settings.
During an active call users can select a prompt, and the response will be displayed on the call details panel.
Prompts can also be used as part of a chat callback reminder.
Auto save changes to queues/user status on (Landis Contact Center) queues panel.
Added Help, What's new, and Feedback options on the title bar context menu.
CNAM info now appears for PSTN calls routed through Landis Contact Center queues.
When using keyboard shortcuts to decline, hold, or resume a call, progress indicators will appear to signify action.
If a blank normalization rule is created in settings policies, it will be filtered out on save.
When user submits or deletes a status message, the UI should now update immediately.
Fix status message and out of office message not updating on the contacts in list.
Ability to add users to contact groups from the contact's context menu when using the keyboard.
Fix transfer to current call showing disabled in some scenarios.
Vertically center the 'more actions' button on handled calls.
In some cases, settings tabs that did not apply to settings policies, appeared when creating a settings policy.
Adjusted vertical and horizontal spacing on queue toggles, as well as horizontal spacing on dropdown.
If a contact group has a filter on it, such as department etc., the option to remove contacts from that group is removed.
Desktop application Features & Enhancements
Handle tel: and sip: links from desktop app.
Save the window position and location when closing the application. These settings will be retained when relaunching the application.
Fix issue with files created in temp directory.
October 14, 2024
Features & Enhancements
Ability to set my Teams status message
Transfer holding call to current call
Contact Groups
Create new contact group from "Add to Contact Group" menu on a contact
From the "Add to Contact Group" menu on a contact, allow Exchange contacts to be added to Exchange contact groups
From the "Add to Contact Group" menu on a contact, allow Global Exchange contacts to be added to Global Exchange contact groups
Improve Notes:
Shared notes
Enable notes to be used in the contact layout
Landis Contact Center Integration:
"Connectors" tab in settings to authenticate
Queue panel
Queue Signin/SignOut and Agent Status
Call Details panel
Caller notes
Closed Captions (Preview)
Settings policies:
Show Entra Id user's names in assignments table
Allow search for user by display name
Setting to allow search to be cleared after call transfer
Accessibility: screen reader will now read all three lines of contact layout.
Add name of user who started the recording to recording announcement
Improve enabled/disabled states on contact list item, context menu and buttons
Remove experimental feature "enable experimental music on hold" setting.
Fix Issue with layout page scrolling causing hidden items
After deleting a Contact group, the contacts were not removed until the page is refreshed
After switching the language, the selected language checkbox does not switch until the page is refreshed
Notes for PSTN contacts not saving
When attempting to initiate multiple calls during a transfer, multiple calls could be connected.
Chat Consult Transfer failed depending on contact endpoint order setting
In some cases, removing contact from contact group did not function as expected
Remove the ability to save a blank normalization rule
Mobile number in context menu of contact card will not display in certain languages
In some cases work number does not appear in contact context menu.
When navigating into settings menu, some of the settings tabs would disappear.
Fix scrolling issue on contact details panel when contact has status message or OoO message.
Fix progress indicators not working on hold, resume, reject, or hangup buttons.
Desktop application Features & Enhancements
Fix issue that was in some cases preventing the desktop app from signing in.
May 16, 2024
Features & Enhancements
Music on hold is now GA (Experimental feature music on hold should be disabled to utilize the production iteration.)
Ability to silence call waiting tone.
Caller information now shown from calls transferred from a Teams Auto Attendant.
fix some missing translations.
Fix custom layout text box not showing depending on selection.
Fix settings policy user assignments still showing after deleting a settings policy.
Fix music on hold continuing to play with add participant if participant rejects invitation and experimental feature music on hold is enabled.
Fix scenario where consult transfer ends up with two connected calls, if retrieve call while it is transferring.
Update consult transfer logic in specific scenario:
Answer first call and put in consult transfer mode. Answer second call and put in consult transfer mode. The first call is now removed from consult transfer mode automatically. Previously, the consult transfer would be performed on the two inbound calls.
Disable transfer mode buttons that aren't supported when connected to a conference call.
Fix scenario where headset buttons do not work as expected.
Fix scenario where selecting a contact button on a contact did not initiate a call depending on endpoint order settings.
fix issue where presence was sometimes changing to available when call is put on hold.
fix issue where displayed theme name does not change when language changes.
Desktop application Features & Enhancements
Ability to bring desktop app to focus when there is an incoming call.
March 22, 2024
Fix contact groups randomly not appearing when starting application.
March 21, 2024
Fix chat consult transfer adaptive cards not displaying on Teams mobile.
February 20, 2024
Fix consult transfer failure when compliance recording is enabled.
January 17, 2024
Features & Enhancements
Global Exchange Contacts. (Also known as mail contacts or active directory contacts) Requires optional permission.
Search Global Exchange Contacts.
Add Global Exchange Contacts to groups.
Transfer failure visual alert
Layout is synced across devices and browsers.
Accessibility improvements.
Option to open call pop in browser tab.
Add queue name as an option in call pop URL.
Add call ID as an option in call pop URL.
Add notification banner if call is being recorded by a user.
Allow Focus on Search Bar shortcut key to be customizable.
Add Dutch language.
Add Italian language.
Improved styling on transfer mode icon on holding calls.
Improve language translations.
Freezing issue when loading profile photos in some scenarios.
Fix issue where in some scenarios pressing enter key twice after entering a search query would not select the first search result.
Fix issue where in some scenarios a holding call in consult transfer mode could not be retrieved.
Desktop application Features & Enhancements
Full notification suppression support for New Teams client. Custom setting no longer required.
December 26, 2023
Add support for / hotkey on non-English keyboards.
September 11, 2023
Features & Enhancements
Chat Consult Transfer Improvements Enable Chat Consult Transfer. See Enable Chat Consult Transfer
Reverse Number Lookup for AAD users
Static Webpage Panel. See External Site panel
Personal Contact Notes. See Contact Card
View and edit for AAD contacts and PSTN search contacts
Fix silence incoming ring setting also suppressing outbound ring sound
Fix unexpected behavior when removing from contact groups
Improve logging
Safe transfer to PSTN will fall back to blind transfer instead of failing.
Desktop Application Fixes
Fix zooming error
Fix PowerApps authentication issue in call pop.
June 16, 2023
Features & Enhancements
Music on hold (Experimental Feature)
Call Contact quick access shortcut button will now initiate a call to a UPN that contains numbers.
Execute HTTP Request quick access shortcut headers can be added and removed.
Remove the word "at" in the placeholder {callernumber} in callback message.
Transfer to direct to voicemail will no longer post an error message if chat consult transfer bot has been deployed.
Searches and contact groups with ' character will now display results correctly.
Call back reminder will now encode the "+" character in the callback deep link.
May 25, 2023
Features & Enhancements
Chat consult transfer "sent to voicemail" option
Filter by company name in search sources and contact groups
Filter out disabled accounts in Active Directory search. Enabled by default.
Cursor moves to search field after selecting a transfer mode.
User status message appears in contact details panel and contact card
Specify max contact search results in contact group
Settings policies
Call back messages are now imported correctly when using the import settings from a file option
Add logging to desktop toast notification
May 11, 2023
Contact group does not load when user or user(s) have been removed from cache.
March 17, 2023
Fix: Calls not appearing in the handled calls panel
February 15, 2023
Desktop Application Features & Enhancements
The sign in button will now open a browser where the user will be prompted to complete the sign in process for the desktop application
Desktop Application Fixes
Improve Teams notification suppression
Improve call details on desktop notification
February 10, 2023
Features & Enhancements
Show phone icon when contact is a PSTN contact type.
Fix: VM panel now shows profile photo and presence for AD users
Fix: VM icon displays correctly in light and dark mode
Fix: Call pop info for PSTN calls
December 22, 2022
Features & Enhancements
Additional caller information shown for the following scenarios:
Transferred by
Forwarded by
Call for
On behalf of
Call from a group
Call from a meeting
Experimental Feature
Transfer to Voicemail. See Experimental Features
Misc call pop fixes
When user is in DND, calls are now suppressed
Misc caller information fixes
October 14, 2022
Features & Enhancements
True Consult Transfer
Show caller info for incoming queue calls (conference mode only)
Show trial/license info in About page
Microsoft bug where selected audio device was not being used
Improvements to normalization rules
No longer add default normalization rules for new tenants
Show PSTN contact for 911 number
Allow PSTN numbers on contacts to be normalized
Show PSTN contact results on all search tabs
Caching improvements
August 29, 2022
The underlying Microsoft API's are now GA. Because of this Landis Attendant Console is now fully GA.
Important Note: As previously communicated on Auguest 8, 2022, the previously optional permissions Teams.ManageChats are now required. If these permissions have not been granted, the user will be prompted to grant the permission when logging into Attendant Console. If the user does not have rights to grant the permissions, an admin can browse to and select the "Admin Consent" link on the bottom of the page and consent to the permissions.
Features & Enhancements
Support for ordering contact groups, search tabs, QAS shortcuts & number normalization rules.
Show contact photo on incoming call, current call, call on hold (inbound calls atm)
Contact groups ability to remove contacts from saved groups or UPN groups
Contact details area improvements, (improve layout spacing & flow/vertical/horizontal) clickable links, copy button, larger photo, etc.
UI: Improve experience for inserting parameters in call pop, custom messages, etc.
UI: Smart separators for parameters
Add a "Download Desktop App" to the header settings menu
App will redirect for Auth if Teams.ManageChats is not consented to
If a number normalization rule has a blank expression its now disregarded
Fix inability to type forward slash into settings window input box
Shares same manager now does not show self
Call hold time incorrect when disconnecting call with multiple calls on hold
Presence momentarily jumps between Busy and OutOfOffice in Contact Details when a user has an OutOfOffice Message set
Internal localization improvements for date times in schedule area for example
MenuButton on Contact Settings / TextInput doesn't always put the dropdown list at the right place, making some items unavailable
Some button do not default to an auto/content width and it should for localization purposes
Improve keyboard shortcut on desktop app call notification
Desktop Application
Improve desktop app memory usage
Better facilitate Teams call toast suppression
Toast alert window now zooms with rest of app
August 8, 2022
Important Note: We will be alerting users that on August 22, 2022 the Teams.ManageChats permission will become mandatory and Attendant Console will not work without consent to that permission. To avoid users getting this notification, admins can proactively grant this permission. Permissions can be granted by a Microsoft 365 Global Admin in the Attendant Console app, Settings | Permissions or by using the link below:
Sometimes shows "already answering a call" notification when it shouldn't
New Teams.ManageChats permission to manage chats in Microsoft Teams: Used for managing chat threads required for some call scenarios
June 24,2022
Desktop Application Features & Enhancements
Show desktop app version in About and suggest update if needed.
Desktop Application Fixes
Fixed when closing the app from the task bar, an unexpected error occurred
Fixed teams suppression enabled when user was not signed into application
Fixed Teams toast suppression not working in some scenarios.
June 23, 2022
Features & Enhancements
Adds Shares Same Manager to the Organization panel in Contact Details
Fixed outbound PSTN call failure in environments with direct routing and media bypass
Fixed failure when adding PSTN participant to a Teams P2P call
May 27, 2022
Features & Enhancements
Chat Consult Transfer BOT (Preview)
Transfer type that sends an adaptive card to a Teams user with an choice to Accept or Reject the call. if Accepted the call will automatically transfer to the user with no receptionist action required.
Note: Requires Teams App that may be delivered after release date.
Settings screen - various improvements
Better support for different monitor sizes
Better list editing for Search Sources, Contact Groups, Quick Access Shortcuts & Number Normalizations Rules
Some new icons, better organized screens & dropdowns
Visual Voicemail panel enhancements
PC App (Preview) Download
Call toast outside PC app
Global shortcut keys
Suppress Microsoft Teams incoming call toast
Resize user interface with zoom in & out controls
Call Back Reminder definable templates for Chat & Email reminder messages sent
Allows for customizing messages including language specific messages
Various general UI improvements
Smoother active call panel
Work contact method uses Teams icon
Show user photo on active calls panel
Finesse item selection colors
Quick Access Shortcut to change user presence
Additional client activity will be in the troubleshooting log file
Additional service resilience resources
April 6, 2022
Important Note: As previously communicated on March 3, 2022, the previously optional permissions Presence.ReadWrite and People.Read are now required. If these permissions have not been granted, the user will be prompted to grant the permission when logging into Attendant Console. If the user does not have rights to grant the permissions, an admin can browse to and select the "Admin Consent" link on the bottom of the page and consent to the permissions.
Features & Enhancements
People.Read & Presence.ReadWrite permissions are now mandatory to use Attendant Console
Visual Voicemail panel to show a list of voicemails
If voicemail is from an AD user, the profile photo, presence & information will display
Can see transcription and play audio
Clicking on a voicemail will mark it as read
Contact Groups now have a splitter/resizer between groups and contacts
Presence.ReadWrite and People.Read are now required scopes
Improve settings window width to accommodate smaller screens
fixed some translations
March 3, 2022
Important Note: We will be alerting users that on April 6, 2022 the People.Read permission will become mandatory and Attendant Console will not work without consent to that permission. To avoid users getting this notification, admins can proactively grant this permission. Permissions can be granted in the Attendant Console app, Settings | Permissions.
Features & Enhancements
Themes now using Very Peri to match Microsoft Teams
Contact presence now has an icon for at-a-glance indication of "In a Call" (versus "Busy")
User presence allows custom duration when setting presence
New "person" component brings improved contact presentation
all presence indicators more closely follow dark & standard themes
avatar quality
and more
Improved client side logging & export (Settings | Advanced | Logging level )
UI to make it easier to add lists of departments, job titles, office locations & countries to search filter area (Settings | Search | Configure filters items lists )
Escape key clear search input
The app visually indicates when it can't run on unsupported browsers
For new users, a contact group is created named Favorites that is prepopulated with some people relevant to that user. This makes the first run experience better by making it easy for contacts to be added to a group.
Searches, "Contact Groups" & "Contacts" sorted by display name
Ring back sound modified to have a softer sound
Use phone icon for PSTN avatar
Improve avatar in the current calls area
Now saving layout panel sizes (panel splitter positions) locally and exporting them with settings export.
Note: These positions are not synced to the backend.
If "Presence.ReadWrite" is consented to, the app presence ("InACall", "InAConferenceCall", etc.) will be sent directly from the client to Microsoft Graph instead of traversing our backend.
Various UI theme improvements
Switching between multiple tabs will now keep "contact group" & "contact" selected.
Changes made in Search Filter will now be reverted if window is close without applying
Fixes bug that caused an existing call in consult transfer mode to be joined to another incoming call when answered.
Fixes bug where ringer didn't work if Calls panel was not selected (in a panel with multiple tabs)
Fixes bug where schedule in "Contact Details" did not show in some cases.
Fixes bug where new external contact search source does not appear until UI is refreshed.
Fixes bug where incorrect audio device was showing in footer
Fixes issue where adding a contact to a contact group using the context menu was not saved to the server
Fixes issue where an incoming call window could get stuck.
Fixes issue where the keyboard shortcut for "Decline Incoming Call" did not work.
January 28, 2022
When a user imports settings, they will be available where ever this user runs Attendant Console
Improve logic to determine if user is a resource account (aka Auto Attendant, Queue or other voice application)
January 21, 2022
Allow user to change their presence
This is being released as an optional feature so that the permission consent does not disrupt existing users
Sync users' settings: User's settings will get saved to the backend and retrieved by other instances of the app.
Initially this feature will work only with user's added after this update.
Change "Mail.ReadBasic" to an optional permission.
Dark Mode finalized.
Add loading indicators to search, contact group & schedule areas.
Fix issue where dropdowns did not highlight selected item.
Fix issue where same caller id showed on 2 different calls
Fix several settings import/export issues
December 10, 2021
The Attendant Console is currently available for purchase and use in production with understanding that the underlying Microsoft APIs are PREVIEW at this time and that the customer should have an alternative solution to fall back to if the Microsoft API access is interrupted during the Microsoft PREVIEW period. The current Attendant Console code will become GA dependent on underlying Microsoft API GA.
Call Answer/Hang Up
Call Hold/Off Hold
Dialing Phone Numbers & Teams users
Blind Transfer
Safe Transfer
Consult Transfer (Basic)
Invite Participant
Contact Details
Email Call Back Reminder
Chat Call Back Reminder
Define Hotkeys
Resizable user interface
1-Click Mobile, Work
Voicemail Indicator
Familiar Teams user interface
Web App
Just sign in with Microsoft Teams user
Contact Search
Azure Active Directory Search
Exchange Contact Search
External Http/REST Object Search
Definable Contact Groups
Static contact groups (select contacts in a group)
Dynamic AAD Groups (a group that is filter of AAD)
Teams Team contact group
Segmented/Filter AAD Search
Overall Layout configurator
Contact Layout configurator
QHD/2K/4K Monitor Support (UI resize, configure)
Echo/Test Call
Call Pop up
Multi-call pop up handling
Quick Access Shortcuts
Call Contact
Web page
Http Request
Audio device change
Mouse/Keyboard/Touch navigation
Music on hold via Gateway only
App presence
Dark mode
Language support
Last updated